Lamtoro Health Care

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Career Opportunities

Application Form

We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities and encourage applications from all of the community.
Role Details
Personal Details
Employment History
Current Employment Details
Previous Employment Details
Starting with most recent, please ensure you include all employment since leaving school or full time education and explain all gaps in your employment history.
Education & Qualifications
Give details of all secondary schools/colleges attended. You will be required to provide evidence of qualifications gained.
Training Courses
Provide details of any training that may be relevant to your application including dates/duration.
Supporting Information
Use this section of the application form to explain why you are applying for the job, concentrating on how your skills, knowledge and personal qualities match the requirements of the person specification.
Please enter the names and addresses of two referees. One should be your present or most recent employer. References will only be taken up and considered after selection and an offer of employment has been made.
(Please note that relatives or friends may not be used as a referee). With the exception of your current employer YOU MUST SEEK THEIR PERMISSION BEFORE SUBMITTING THEIR NAMES.
Referee 1
Referee 2
Criminal & Safeguarding
Equal Opportunities
The Equal Opportunities information is to develop our equal opportunities policy and is used only for monitoring purposes.